صورة محمل



أن نكون إحدى الشركات الرائدة في مجال تجارة وخدمات الطاقة.


لتوليد قيمة لعملائنا باستمرار من خلال بناء العلاقات ، والمعرفة المحلية الكبيرة ، ووقت الاستجابة السريع والمضي قدمًا.

قسم- 00087c8

القسم - 78ec34f

Pre-Financing Mechanism

Altanetiva has established a robust framework for the pre-financing of crude oil cargoes, a vital service in the energy trading sector. Our approach ensures the arrangement of financing for crude oil purchases well in advance, facilitating smooth and reliable trade flows.

قسم 8a582da

Smooth Trade Flow Assurance

Our pre-financing mechanism is designed to preemptively secure the necessary funds for crude oil transactions, ensuring that trade operations are seamless and uninterrupted. This contributes to the stability and efficiency of the global oil market.

القسم 11b5ef4

Large-Scale Transaction Management

Handling transactions that exceed $1 billion, Altanetiva demonstrates formidable financial strength and a solid reputation in the market. This capacity reflects our expertise in managing significant financial commitments and our trustworthiness in the industry.

قسم 2f41d81

Financial Strength and Market Confidence

Our ability to pre-finance large-scale crude oil cargoes is a testament to our financial robustness and the confidence the market places in us. We stand as a reliable and capable partner in the energy trading sector.


Commitment to Reliable Energy Trading

Altanetiva is dedicated to enhancing the reliability and efficiency of the energy trading market. Our pre-financing solutions are part of our commitment to providing comprehensive and dependable services in the energy sector.

قسم- cabe089


  • Crucial Role in Global Oil Trade
  • Providing Market Liquidity
  • Handling Significant Financial
  • Reinforcing Trust in the Industry
  • Commitment to Stable Trade Relations

Strategic Advantage

In the energy sector, where substantial capital investments are often requisite at the outset, Altanetiva's pre -financing arrangements play a vital role. Our ability to provide these financial solutions underpins the operational framework of oil trading.

  • Operational and Financial
    Stability Contribution
  • Attracting Major Market Players
  • Fostering Business Relationships
    and Opportunities
  • Enabling Larger and More Lucrative